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Employment Services

Community-Based Prevocational Training Program

This program provides adults 21 years of age or older, opportunities to enhance social and pre-employment skills. Through participation in this program, people will develop general, non-job task-specific strengths and skills that will contribute to their employability in paid competitive employment shortly. 


Community partnerships provide us with opportunities to create internships within a business setting. Internships help the individual obtain skills that will contribute to their goal of competitive employment They include on-site job coaching to ensure all necessary supports is available and each person's success is achieved. Our job coaches will also provide in-person classes to learn and prepare each person for entering the workforce. Some examples of classes offered are math, reading and writing, computer skills, resume development, typing, telling time, travel training, job development, community involvement, pre-work program, computer training, communication, interview skills, and much more. By participating in these classes, each individual will have the opportunity to learn at their own pace and obtain the appropriate skills for future employment opportunities.  

This program is available in Orange and Dutchess Counties.


Pathway to Employment

A one-year program designed to assist people in identifying a vocational or career goal through exploration and experience, learning basic computer skills, creating job boards, resume writing, interviewing, and attending weekly classes. Individuals will discover what types of employment or volunteer opportunities are best suited for them. The individual will have a documented career goal, a detailed career plan to guide their employment support, and the preparation for supported employment services to continue providing services once the year-long program ends. Individuals will seek a job paying at least the NYS minimum wage or higher. 


Who is eligible?

  • Individuals who are enrolled in Home and Community-Based Waiver (HCBS)

  • Students leaving High School and enrolled in (HCBS)

  • Individuals enrolled in day habilitation, community prevocational, or supported employment services. 

  • Individuals who are interested in competitive employment. 


Supported Employment (SEMP)

A program for individuals seeking a job in their community. Individuals needing minimal job coaching to maintain competitive employment earning the minimum wage in the community would be candidates for SEMP. To become a part of Supported Employment, the individual would need to go through ACCES-VR or an Employment Training Program, also known as ETP.


In most cases, individuals transition to SEMP after receiving services from the New York State Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR). The New York State Education Department funds this program and helps provide support to obtain and keep employment. 

Who would be eligible for SEMP Services?

  • Individuals who are OPWDD eligible. 

  • Individuals who are at least 18 years old and who are interested in exploring career opportunities in the community. 

  • Individuals who have some work experience. 

For information regarding OPWDD eligibility, click here

Employment Training Program (ETP) 

The Employment Training Program allows individuals to work in an internship that will lead to permanent employment in a community business. The individual would meet with a Job Coach to discuss their interests and desired jobs. The Job Coach will find a matching, paid internship where the individual can begin to work. During the internship, the individuals would be considered temporary state employees, are paid minimum wage, and are covered under Workers Compensation through NY State. The Job Coach and training program staff will work to have the individual's wages paid by the employer by the end of the internship. 

When the individual is enrolled in the program, the job coach will support the individual's needs and provide the assistance needed to succeed in the internship. Training classes will be provided in areas such as job readiness, conflicts within the workplace, skill development, and time management. If the individual would like to explore additional work interests, the job coach can assist with finding an alternative internship site. Once the individual completes this program, they will transition to Extended Supported Employment Services through ACCES-VR or OPWDD services. 

ACCES-VR Services

If you have a disability and were referred to us through ACCES-VR we can provide you with the following services: Evaluations, Benefits Advisement, Career Exploration Assessment, Standardized Testing and Specialized Evaluations, Assistive Technology/Rehabilitation Evaluation and Training, Supported Employment Intake, Assessment, Job Development and Job Retention services, as well as Supported Employment Services for Youth under the age of 25, which include: Supported Employment Job Placement, Stabilization and Job Retention Services. 

For information regarding OPWDD eligibility, click here

For information regarding ACCES-VR, Click here

Supported Employment
Community-Based Prevocational Training Proram
Pathway to Employment
ACCES-VR Services
Employment Training

Thank You to Our Corporate Sponsors

Awards and Associations

Mid Hudson Subaru
Hudson Regional LTC Pharmacy
CQL Accredited
Digital Accessibility Badge accessiBe
Four-Star Charity Navigator
Dutchess County Regional Chamber of Commerce
Proud Member of Orange County Chamber of Commerce

Contact Us

700 South Drive - Suite 203

Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Phone: +1-845-452-5772


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© 2024 Greystone Programs Inc.

Greystone’s Foundation fund ensures the perpetuity and sustainability of Greystone Programs, a 501(c)(3) charitable organization registered with the IRS and GuideStar.  Our Federal Tax Identification (EIN) number is: 14-1702785.

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